Tea and Crafting

It all started off with some soywax tea cup candles and then ended up with transforming my friends ropey old pub wedding venue into a fairy wonderland with pure white handmade pom poms!!

Any one who knows me knows that I LOVE crafting. Collage to candles and pom poms to bunting…..I’ll try my hand at anything! There is something ‘other worldly’ about taking up a craft and chopping and changing it until it overwhelms you with the kind of satisfaction that only having a massage with rose oil can do.

Letter-Cutting-Letter-Cutting-Special-V3-300x300Kirsty Allsopp, eat your heart out!

So when I heard about the new ‘Tea and Crafting’ workshops in Camden Lock, I bubbled over with excitement. Oh…what shall I turn my talents to next?? Could it be a paper cutting workshop? Knitting a pouffe maybe? Or even making my own fairy lights? I’m about to burst with creative excitement. I’m going to try ‘paper cutting’ a la Rob Ryan and see if I can come out of the workshop with much more than a mere paper cut. I’ll let you know how it goes. Excitement level is at 10!

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